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Radical Times Western Australia

Western Australia. It’s red, it’s dirty and its raw. It’s the kind of place you can’t predict what will happen around the next dusty corner. Cue Radical Times in WA, the Unpredictable Edition. Taj Burrow retired. Matt Banting snapped his entire quiver. Mikey Wright went home on crutches (ok. With Mikey boosting the way he does, this one was kinda just a matter of time). Leo Fioravanti slayed World Champions on his way to the Quarter Finals of the Margies Pro. Sebastian Zietz surfed his way into world number 2. And Kanoa Igarashi, Jeremy Flores and Wiggolly Dantas got chatted up by a big ol’ shark out Margaret River’s Mainbreak. Radical Times…you be the judge.

"I love coming here, even if every time I do I end up going home injured or on crutches. I love the big ramps WA has, and the bakery…and the chicks who work at the bakery. hahah."

Mikey Wright

"WA is so raw. When you’re out there you feel completely isolated. It’s sick. Long bush walks to the surf and amazing air winds. What isn’t to love. If you can ignore the sharks you’ll have a rad time."

Matt Banting

"Western Australia is an amazing place. There are lots of sharks and too many flies and every time you get changed you have to do it in the dirt. But the waves make up for all that and more. I love the WA waves. I love the WA wine, and I love hanging out with the kangaroos. For me, this time around was particularly special. I got to compete in the contest and experience life on the tour. What a trip! "

Leonardo Fioravanti